Aktualisasi Visi Teologi Politik Kristen O.Notohamidjojo Bagi Kepemimpinan Bangsa Suatu Kajian Reflektif terhadap Kekristenan di Indonesia dalam Mewujudkan Negara Pancasila
This writing is to effort to develop a bridge at upon "the culverts" of space and
time between thinking of theological political of O Notohamidjojo in the
contemporary christianity context in frame for Pancasila State realization.
Pancasila as basic that aim to realize a social order that honour the
differentiation, high uphold of unity, honour of human rights and freedom
rights and social rights and also upholds social justice which on the line of
vision of Kingdom God. In that correlation with christian's calling as citizen
of Kingdom of God and Indonesian citizen, the Christianity of Indonesian
have role as partner and prophet for every political instrument in Indonesia
political produk that created as re+lection the aims of Pancasila that in a line
with vision of God's Kingdom and to be antithesis of political product that
indicated not re+lecting aim of Pancasila in Indonesia. The idea of
Notohamidjojo is relevan to reappointed in Indonesian context that always
to experience social change and the challenge especially for leadership of
church and state for realization the task and responsibility.
Keywords: O. Notohamidjojo, theological political, Pancasila, Indonesia,
Indonesian christianity, Kongdom of God,leadership of church and state.
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Copyright (c) 2016 PAX HUMANA
ISSN Cetak : 2337-3512 || ISSN Online : 2548-3021
Tim OJS Pax Humana 2016